What’s Up Ahead?

What’s Up Ahead?
Roll 3d6.   (Need a die roller?)  Research re-rolls may be used.

3-5 The route you’re following leads somewhere interesting… Roll on the Area Type Table, but subtract an additional 3.  Re-roll any “Dead End” results.
6-8 The route you’re following splits, and you have a choice of 1d3+1 ways.  (Need a die roller?)  Roll on the Area Type Table for each.
9-11 The route you’re following splits, and you have a choice of two ways. Roll on the Area Type Table for each.
12 The route you’re following splits, and you have a choice of two ways. Roll 1d.  (Need a die roller?)

1 – One way seems to lead to a treasure-rich area; the other seems to be a more promising route towards your Goal (when calculating the distance between a new area and the entrance, this area counts as two areas rather than one).

2 – One way seems to lead to an information-rich area; the other seems to be a more promising route towards your Goal (when calculating the distance between a new area and the entrance, this area counts as two areas rather than one).

3 – Roll on the Area Type table for the first way; the other seems to be a more promising route towards your Goal (when calculating the distance between a new area and the entrance, this area counts as two areas rather than one).

4 – One way seems to lead to a safe area; the other seems to lead to a treasure-rich area, but takes you further from your Goal (when calculating the distance between a new area and the entrance, this area counts as negative one rather than one).

5 – One way seems to lead to the lair of standard opponents; the other seems to lead to an area with Obstacles, Hazards, Wards, or Traps.

6 – One way seems to lead to the lair of standard opponents; the other seems to lead further away from your Goal (when calculating the distance between a new area and the entrance, this area counts as negative one rather than one).

13 The route you’re following continues into another area. Roll on the Area Type Table.
14-15 The route you’re following doubles back into an area you’ve discovered before.   If possible, connect it up with a previously discovered route that you haven’t yet explored, or with a dungeon entrance that you have discovered but not yet explored. If not, choose one of the areas you’ve already explored, and declare that you’ve found a way back into it via a previously undiscovered passage. If this is the first area you’ve discovered, this entrance is obviously useless – you’ll have to find another entrance to the Dungeon!
15-18 The route you’re following concludes with a dead end. You’ll have to backtrack through the area you just came through, and then find another way. If this is the first area you’ve discovered, this entrance is obviously useless – you’ll have to find another entrance to the Dungeon!